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Our Goal
Our Mission
Our Vision
Global Crisis Response is on a mission to facilitate wider adoption of Crisis Response Plan (GCRP) that can empower change-makers globally to
- decisively shift the global discourse away from sustainability to that of survivability
- create enabling eco-systems for the emergence & proliferation of Strong Sustainable (SS) initiatives like regenerative practices, bioregionalism, commons, Localism, permaculture etc.
- enhance collapse resilience of communities by facilitating their gradual decoupling from State-Market order and proliferation of informal dependencies on regenerative local economies
Global Crisis Response envisions a world where humanity has successfully prefigured a painful, chaotic civilizational collapse and adapted to a new ecological world order driven by renewable energy, low tech systems, regenerative local economies and governed by bio-cultural commons
To create a one-stop SS Knowledge Portal
To establish a Transnational Action Think tank
To create a SS global Solidarity network and community

About Us
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